Lucious sweet Date paste

Sweet as sugar️
Whole food️ 
Natural, healthy & taste like caramel.️ 
There’s no processing & they’re never physically or chemically dried. 


  • Blender


  • 10-12 Organic Medjool dates/ any sweet good quality dates
  • Fresh clean water


Preperation (Night)

  • Wash the dates 3-4 times under running water by rubbing them.
  • Overnight soak them in drinking water ( add required water, they should not submerged in the water)
  • We will use this water to make the paste.(Minimum soaking time 4-5hrs)


  • Deseed all the dates.
  • Pull the top little hard cap attached to the seed also.
  • In a high-powered blender, blend dates  and the soaking water on high speed for a few minutes until it becomes a smooth and creamy paste.
  • Add more water if it’s difficult to blend or too thick.
  • Now store this yummy date paste in a covered glass jar (not air tight)
  • Always keep it in the refrigerator (fridge)


You can keep the soaked dates along with the soaking water, in the fridge in an open glass container.
They remain fresh even longer than 1-3 months.
Blend them/crush then/chop them as per your recipe's demand.
Dates contain natural sugar,  and surprisingly they have a low/medium glycemic index score because they also contain a good amount of fiber.
Fiber slows the release of carbohydrates and gives you sustainable energy rather than spiking your blood sugar crazy high.
They’re also low in fat and packed with nutrients like potassium
         (50% more potassium by weight than a banana),
         copper, magnesium, vitamin B6, niacin, calcium, iron, and vitamin K.
⚠️Body breaks down REFINED SUGAR  rapidly, causing a SPIKE in insulin and blood sugar levels. 
It gets digested immediately, you don't feel full after you finish eating, no matter how many CALORIES you have consumed. 
The fiber in the WHOLE FRUIT slows down the metabolism, as fruit in the gut expands to make you feel full.