For muscular spasms, tension, tightness, including headache,I recommend magnesium glycinate or malate.These chelated forms of magnesium typically do not affect the GI tract muchand won’t overstimulate an already-healthy bowel movement habit.So good for the ones who have a sensitive stomach.
Please note that supplements CAN NOT SUBSTITUTE the benefits of eating whole plant-based organic food for good health & well-being.
It depends upon your age, health condition, activity levels & deficiency.
Start eating balanced food with all color fruits & veggies, nuts, seeds & sprouts, beans & legumes. If you find you are deficient & feel a lack of energy throughout the day, you can start the supplement.
In general, one capsule of a multivitamin is a supplement.
It`s always safe to start a supplement after a blood test/lab report so that you know how much your body is lacking.
Please look at the Methylecobalamine (500mcg a day) form of vitamin B-12 as it is safe to consume on daily basis.
SOLGAR, CYTOPLAN, NUTRISORB DROPS BY Biocare, NATURE’S BEST. All above are good, or look for brands which based on the concept of nature meets science.
Whey protein is not safe for anyone.
Switch to clean plant-based protein, which is easy to digest and absorb for the body.
You can get plant protein in the stores or you can make your own at home.
Get the recipe to make protein powder recipe in the Home remedy section.
Daily one tbs soaked sesame seeds. Ten mixed/ any nuts, 2-3 tbs mixed seeds soaked and dried/soaked every day
1- Pomegranate, one steamed beetroot every day. A balanced diet and an active lifestyle is key to good health after 50
Vitamin D
Vitamin B-12
Zinc and Vitamin C
As natural as possible.
Staying happy and stress free is important to absorb the supplement.
Must start supplant after the blood test. In general you can start Vitamin D-100iu everyday B-12 500mcg everyday (methylcobalamin). Other than this, you can test for Iron, Zinc, calcium, Vitamin A and C.
First of all,it`s important to know what causes leaky guts?
Low Vitamin D & regualr use of NSAIDs/ SSRIs/ Birth control pills), chemicals in food, environmental toxins, Microbial imbalance, stress, low zinc, less antioxidant intake, poor digestive enzymes secretion, and excess alchohol intake. Healing food & supplements- High intake of vegetables for prebiotic fiber. Mucilaginous foods such as Okra, chia seeds and flax seeds (ground). Avoid all food containing gluten. Start- Quercetin and probiotics. Curcumin ( 500 mcg 2x/day), Vitamin E, DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice (not whole licoroce roots)
Add digestive enzymes with each of their mealsfor 2-3 months.
I would say please do not strain yourself but try & move as
much as you can.
As it will help your body to go back to its normal form.
Try doing some movement while sitting on chair or laying on the bed.
Protein provides you with the strength to carry out your day-to-day
Add clean plant-based natural protein sources to your entire day, in
small quantities.
Eat soaked nuts and seeds. Steamed green peas chat or sprout chat.
Sprout and steam the lentils and beans or cook them and eat as a soup
or with rice/roti.
Organic tofu is a good source of protein too.
You can make your own protein powder as per my recipe.
All the best and get super fit soon.
Please must check your B-12 & IRON, ZINC, and Vit.
On an average
0.8gms of protein per kilo of your body weight
*Organic soy and soy products, Edamame, are good source of protein
*Green peas, Soaked lentils, chickpeas, black and white, peanuts, almonds, quinoa, amaranth, all
sort of beans, lima beans.
Brown rice.
Chia seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds
Add in spirulina to the smoothies, helpful in enhancing protein.
Various vegetables are rich in protein
Like mushroom, spinach, broccoli, brussell, sprouts, asparagus, artichoke, etc.
You can purchase pea protein from the store.
Yes it's ok to take it everyday before going to bed. Try to get it organic or from direct source/
Ayurveda store. You can mix it in 1/4cup of water and gulp it down.
You can have 10 soaked nuts (mixed or any one) per day 1-3tbs of seeds everyday (mixed
or any one)In my opinion always eat sprouts after steaming them as otherwise it might cause
digestive problems.
Eat one pomegranate every day.
Please check you vitamin B-12 and C levels
Too up if you need to.
I would see a probability of LOW STOMACH ACIDS.
You are not absorbing the iron properly.
Must top up your it on levels as it is important for the conversion of T4 to T3 Thyroid hormones.
1 Beetroot-steamed every day Or drink a juice of beetroot 1- pomegranate everyday
Eat 1tsp of awla powder every day in an empty stomach. Eat Pumpkin seeds, legumes also daily basis
Eat green leafy veggies everyday Eat green chutney in every meal.
Eat Please look at the beetroot recipes on my page.
You can start natural supports from the brands like Garden of life (very good product) loradiz liquid iron
is a good formula too.
Vitamin D is a steroid hormone: It's HUGELY IMPORTANT for the GUT HEALTH, absorption of
CALCIUM & the IMMUNE system. DAILY sunlight without sunscreen foil) is important both of them, and
supplementation, for now, is important.
Give them D3 (1000 iu) for 1 month then you may increase to 2000iu in next month if need to. Always
with a meal for the better absorption
Never supplements with BOLUS DOSES( 5 or 10/40,000 iu or more) as it depletes MAGNESIUM LEVELS.
Magnesium is required for Vitamin D conversion, whether it's from supplements or the sun. As it a
person is low in Magnesium, it shuts down the vitamin D synthesis.
They need 150-200mg of magnesium every day, either from food or supplements. AVOCADO,
Please ask your doctor for a test for Vitamin A. I want D & A BOTH to be in the upper half of the
reference range Vitamin D and Vitamin A actually bind to the same
Vitamin D- take supplement 1000iu every day.
B-12 supplement methylcobalamin 50mcg every day.
Eat fermented food.
PCOD is fancy name for a hormonal imbalance.
The estrogen dominance (and often excess androgens) present can lead
to many states of disease downstream.
This Anovulation is often caused by excessive testosterone as result of
high insulin levels from insulin resistance.
Check your fasting insulin.
There is good research demonstrating
The effectiveness of INOSITOL (sugar alcohol, can be made in the body
from the glucose)
Can help in such conditions. Please talk to your physician about it.
For slip discs, physiotherapy, exercise, & gentle stretching can help
reliving pressure on the nerve root.
Take expert for few sessions & then practice at home.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines can be helpful for temporary
Take Magnesium citrate 250mg twice daily for a month.
1 after breakfast, 2 nd 30 minutes before going to bed.
Collagen is a protein.
It provides structure to our body like bones, skin, tendons, & ligaments. As we age, our body produces less & lower-quality collagen.
Due to this, our skin becomes less firm & supple.
Cartilage also weakens with age.
We need these 4 nutrients to help produce collagen. Vitamin C, proline, glycine, copper & high-quality protein (which give amino acids to the body). citrus fruits, bell peppers, and strawberries, cabbage, asparagus, and mushrooms, sesame seeds, cocoa powder, cashews, and lentils, aloe vera, chia seeds, flax seeds all are important for collagen.
STOP eating refined sugar & refined carbs.
Sugar interferes with collagen’s ability to repair itself. Avoid too much sun exposure. If you are facing an Arthritis condition, you need to start collagen supplement as it helps otherwise well.
Please look for VEGAN OMEGA-3 brand which offer minimum of 500mg of DHA &EPA
ALGAL OIL-based supplements are good
For the name of the brands, share the pictures with me, what is available to you.
1) Vitamin D-1000iu every day is important. ( please start after the blood test)
2) Drink water
3) Omega- 3 supplement or flaxseed, walnut & green leafy veggies
4) Magnesium citrate 250 mg twice daily, 1- after breakfast, 2nd- 30 minutes before going to bed
Eat Magnesium rich food like organic soya beans, nuts & seeds, whole complex grains, fruits & veggies.
5) Natural calcium-rich food like soaked sesame seeds & Chia seeds. (Check recipe in Recipe (Calcium) section).
*stop consuming dairy, alcohol, junk food, cola, processed food, artificial sugar.
Yoga, slow & deep stretching with posture holding is helpful in this condition.